Case Studies

Below are some examples of how DC3 has helped various end-users achieve best-in-class automated chemical programs.

MIRADOR Variable Speed

Efficient Methanol Regulation

Optimizing methanol injection processes is pivotal to the success of any oilfield operation. Both over-injection and under-injection can culminate in operational inefficiencies and increased expenses.…

New POP Programs

Multiple operators aim to have Miradors installed at flowback to ensure chemical is tracking with production rate from day 1. With so many variables factoring…

H2S Scavenger Control

H2S – the worst part of any operation. Treating H2S is the most notorious necessary evil in today’s oilfield. Operators want it to go away…

SWD in Auto-Track

Salt Water Disposals (SWD’s) are some of the most varying/fluctuating processes in the oilfield. It is also one of the most critical parts of the…

Modular Multipoint

Many locations are faced with limited square footage for their chemical tanks/pumps. DC3 has created numerous ‘Modular MultiPoint’ systems in which footprint can be reduced,…

CSP Rollout

Chemical Service Providers (CSP’s) are faced with a difficult position in the marketplace. Trying to comply with contractual standards on variance and system functionality, along…

Advanced Adoption

After a successful 15-Unit pilot, the company elected to perform a fast-paced 120-unit rollout within 1 week on all wells within an operating area. Scope…

Proof of Concept Pilot

DC3 understands it can be difficult to trial new technology in the oilfield, and even harder to capture key performance metrics around pilots. Our team…

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